So, If it is the case, When did rules and regulations come into place? When did ideas like One man for One woman and stuff like that come into existence? Why do we give importance to culture like wedding and sex after marriage, at least for name sake? Why is it still difficult to discuss about sexual feelings, doubts, experimentation's and expertise to anyone openly? And most of all, why is there a bunch of people who keeps saying India is so rich in tradition and culture and heritage and should not let such discussions about sex education and premarital sex into this country?
For a country, which is so laden with rich tradition and moral values, India is still topping the chart in second place in AIDS in world. And In my experience of working in a few rural areas, the amount of illegal abortions and stuff is huge. Same goes to the cities and towns as well. So If sex is happening everywhere, Why are we not still open minded about it and talk and accept it? How can a same act be ok if done in secrecy, how much ever out of the way it could be but not to be discussed? Why is there so much of hippocracy and idiocracy associated with it?
One of my colleague is a widow and she is not interested in getting married again because of her bad previous marital life. And One of my friend is a divorcee with one kid and One of them is just so terribly abused by her husband financially, emotionally and physically. All three of them have the same question in life. That is " I AM NOT INTERESTED IN GETTING MARRIED AGAIN, BUT HOW CAN I SATISFY MY SEXUAL URGE?''. One of them was so depressed, She had to take a help of a Psychiatrist and finally had a counselling to channelise herself in healthy activities like going to temple or reading or getting involved in family more. Funny, I felt... When men can f**k and s***w anyone they feel like, why can't women? What is wrong with it? Is there anything wrong in it? The needs and wants are the same to both men and women, isn't it?
If Sex and other stuff are going under the table at such alarming rates, Why is it wrong to have just a plain sexual relationship? Why is it so difficult in India to get out of society's tongue? If it had been a different country or a culture, It is no big deal. Coz That is what it is... SEXUAL URGE is like hunger...
I am not trying to demoralise the values that are existing in anyways. But If things are happening, Why can't we accept it as it is, without trying to pass on a judgement. Girls are always a target for any sort of insult. In every country and culture, If a man has to be insulted, the women in the family are being tainted. How is that every bad word in every country be talking about the women's genital? If Sex is divine and so honourable, why are we not able to see such theories in real life?
Well, I don't know what to say further. If at all, there is something that has improved, women are getting literate and they are able to stand on their own and able to make decision on their own, at least for a little bit. But no matter, where they are born and how they are been raised and how they settle down, every where women live their life in false pretense most of the times. I have seen so many women of different age groups, still not knowing what an orgasm is. Well, when sex is high on the roof, even then it is the men who are having the most of it. Nothing much...
When a women is been sexually harassed, it causes her so much pain and mental trauma. Have you heard anything like this associated with men? Well, I have not. I have read that Starting from the most ancient times till now, during war in which ever country it is, thousands and thousands of women are being rapped and killed and incapacitated. Why does women automatically become the weaker sex? Is it because of the fact, women are mere recepients of a few secretions from the glands of men or because they can get pregnant and men cannot or is it just because of all the age old crap being fed into every single men that they are some kind of superior race?
Well, I heard a phrase, a funny one, which talks about rape, " If you can't fight it, just lie back and enjoy it". Very cruel, I used to think once, Now I am not sure what sort of feelings it stirrs inside of me. Whatever it is, I just want to say that there is still discrimination between men and women everywhere, right from bed.
Well it should be divine.... but is it always! How come if men discuss a woman s boobs its 'manly' and if women were to discuss a man s penis it would be 'so unlady like'?
well coz the society is run by the d**ks. And they some how can decide what is right or wrong. Passing judgement is something that comes really very easy for this perverted and screwed society.
Hi again, glad in between all your serious writings you could enjoy a laugh (with the comments).
We are left with two choices in each situation. Either deal with it with a grudgy irritated attitude or laugh at it and say f**k it. Unfortunately i belong to the later crowd. My bad, I guess...
It is really wonderful of you to be writing comments. Would love to get to know you more, MR...Miss...Mrs...Mz...
Don't really care what your tag is. You do have a good penmanship.
Nice to have got your acquintance
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