But I do have to say that I always envied people who had fair complexion for so many reasons, which I have personally experienced. Let me try and tabulate them
- In a crowd, no matter how knowledgeable you are, you are sidetracked or refused, if you are to the tanner shades compared to the lighter ones.
- When a person is fair, they don't have to make more effort to impress the opponent, coz you have a river that goes flooding from the drool of those in front.
- Fair skinned ones (FSO) are considered in someway superior to the darker skinned ones(DSO). I don't understand why they think being dark is dumb?
- If a FSO has to take 50% effort to shine, the DSO are probably supposed to take 150% effort to get a chance to prove that they are good enough too.
- Why is that when you open a matrimonial column, you see that all the grooms are in need of a fair complexioned, tall and slim beauties?
- When they name a guy, they say Tall, dark and handsome but when they name a girl, they don't say dark and pretty. I don't know why dark and pretty don't go hand and hand?
- Well this list keeps going on and on...
I have always been fascinated by K.Balachander's heroines like Saritha, Suhasini and Balumahendra's heroines like Shoba, Archana and others like Nandita das, Silk smitha and Hollywood hotties like Salma hayek, Halle berry etc. May be it is just my imagination that i feel that they all have such feminine essence radiating from them along with such an arrogance and intelligence. I have felt it as a deadly combination!!!
I heard a recent song which called the tanned heroine with a very peculiar name "Thoratti Kannu Karuvachi" which is very hard to translate in english. Just in a rough sense means a sexy eyed darker tanned girl! I would rather love to stay in this complexion because you don't have to be centre of attraction to feel good. I would rather have all the superficial ones
get filtered and get the real ones to turn to turn to my side, who would look beyond the skin.