I have been living by myself for a long long long time now.... Its so wrong to say that... I do have people who care for me but what is that makes my life the way it is now, I'm asking my self. I really don't have one answer for that.... I have a complex answer where in one answer is interlaced with another.
How can I be more specific.... I've been so jealous of people who really can recite each and every details of their life. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. I can't remember a face, a conversation or an emotion. I live my life by just passing with the wind. I sometimes go AAArrrrhhhhh..... Coz i want to be so mad but I can't remember what made me mad in the first place. It's exhausting...
I can't remember My school days, My college days, My daddy, My son, My happy time or my sad times. I live like water. I want to remember so much, but I'm not cut out for that. Why I wonder....
I understand that we all survive by remembering. But there are people like me who survive by forgetting. I seem to forget people, conversations, colours, smiles, harsh words, tears, love everything. May be this is how I'm meant to survive...
Even though your blog is sad...its good to know that you have a moment to write...Keep it coming....I used to check your blog everyday Pri :)
Prem you are the best sis one can ever ask for.... I will write more frequently
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